willunga recreation park
willunga quarry market
An easy 40 minute drive south of Adelaide, Willunga township is the home of Fleurieu Peninsula’s premier country market – where you can stock up on local produce, brighten up your garden, buy a gift, search for a treasure or simply browse to your heart’s content.

Huge variety
Plants, bulbs, herbs, natives, jewellery, hand knitted & wooden products, children’s clothing & hand made soaps

Willunga Quarry Market
WHEN: 2nd Saturday of the month
TIMES: 8.30am – 12.30pm
WHERE: Willunga Oval

Grab a pastry, a cake or two for morning tea. Or bring along friends for a hot breakfast and great coffee

Fresh produce
Fresh produce local honey, almonds, olive oil, biscuits, cakes, dried fruits

Dogs welcome
Dogs are welcome at our outdoor market and you might find a treat for them too

Special gifts
Handmade jewellery with gemstones & resin loads of variety for that special gift
WHEN: 2nd Saturday of the month
TIMES: 8.30am – 12.30pm
LOCATION: via Google Maps https://www.google.com/maps/@-35.271276,138.553504,18z?hl=en-US
VEHICLE PARKING: via Railway Tce. Willunga
FOOD: Hot breakfast options, coffee, cakes & fresh too
*Local live music & toilet facilities
*Dogs are welcome
Stall Holder Information
* All application queries to Jasmin via email [email protected]
* Applications are considered by the Willunga Quarry Market Committee and once approved you will be contacted via email
* Standards Expected of Stallholders download
- The Willunga Quarry Market (WQM) Committee sets high standards for the benefit of the public as well as the Traders. We expect you as a stallholder to endorse and follow these standards. Failure to do so may result in the committee reviewing your approval to trade.
- The committee reserves the right to refuse and/or deny the right to trade, if goods are not of a suitable standard. eg: offensive printing on goods, or plants and products which are illegal or inferior.
- To be able to trade at the WQM all stallholders are required to have Public and Products Liability Insurance.
- A “Certificate of Currency” is required annually as proof before you can trade. This also applies to new traders.
- Traders selling food for human consumption are required to:
- have a Food Registration Permit and Registration Number. This is available at their local Council along with other food safety information.
- be familiar with the Food Legislation Act.
- Producers of hot food must have a Fire Extinguisher and a Fire Blanket readily available at all times for fire related incidents.
- Fast Food stallholders must provide a bin for rubbish generated by their sales and to dispose of this rubbish offsite in an appropriate place.
- Stallholders are responsible for the disposal of their own business waste. eg: cardboard cartons, foam boxes, etc must not be placed in WQM bins which are for public use only. Your site must be rubbish free.
- Users of electrical equipment are advised that Government Legislation requires annual testing and tagging by a qualified electrician of all electrical equipment used.
- Stallholders are not permitted to bring pets except where they are a recognised aid.
- Copying the ideas and/or designs and/or products of other traders is not in the spirit of the market and is not allowed. It may also breach copyright laws.
- Non-trading Charities may apply for a free site but must still accept all of these standards.
- Monthly Casual traders must book by phone in advance.
- You are an integral part of the market and we encourage you to seek out any committee member in the Information Tent if you have any complaints, grievances or suggestions for improvement. He/she will take down written notes and they will be aired at the next available committee meeting and reported back to you. We encourage you to be involved in your market.
- You are expected to notify us if you are not able to attend. At least 48 hours notice is required. Failure to provide sufficient notice makes re-allocation of sites very difficult and ultimately may lead to the Stallholder being charged their normal site fee. Two consecutive unexplained absences will result in a review of the Stallholders’ trading status by the Committee.
- Market trading hours are 8.30am to 12.30pm but your site must be occupied by 8.00am otherwise it may be reallocated.
- Sudden illness or other emergency is the only circumstance under which stall holders may leave early. In these circumstances you must seek help from a market coordinator in the Information Tent.
- You should unpack first then park your vehicle and finally arrange your stall. This will assist other traders to access their site. You must be ready to trade at 8.30am although there may be some customers before then.
- All sites must be kept neat and tidy eg cloths on tables, painted boxes, empty containers out of sight etc
- Everything which you utilize to trade, must be contained within your marked boundaries including access aisles.
- There is a waiting list for permanent trading sites. We advertise as a unique craft, horticultural and produce market and therefore we limit the number of duplicate traders.
- The Market Coordinator is available in the Information Tent to answer your questions and to ensure that all these standards are observed.
a) For safety sake, no vehicles may enter or leave the market during the advertised hours of the market except in an emergency. See 2c above
b) Parking.
- Stallholders must park their cars in Railway Terrace (on the western side) See 2d above
- Vehicles which are an integral part of trading may park on their site. Holders of Disabled permits and Committee members may also park onsite
- Some larger sites are classified as parking sites and parking is allowed.
- All traders’ vehicles must enter the market via the Railway Terrace gates on the Western side and exit after the market via the Main Road gates on the Eastern side except on Football days when Special arrangements will be announced.
- Applications to trade must be made on the appropriate form, all these standards accepted and the application approved by the WQM Committee.
- Once approved, only the products listed on your current Application Form are permitted to be sold. If you wish to add or change the items presented for sale, you must fill out a new Application Form to Add or Change products, detailing those items.
- Trading sites cannot be transferred, sublet or sold to any other person. A new application must be made.
- Where a site is to be shared, both parties must make a separate application noting on both that they are to share.
- Prescribed Goods (as outlined in the Second-Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers 1996 Act) must not be sold at the WQM.
- We do not cancel due to bad weather. You are expected to turn up and make your own decision. Once you set up you will be obliged to trade for the duration of the market and pay your site fee. Please confirm your attendance at the next market asap.
- On really bad weather days the committee may decide to close the market early.
- Due to Willunga’s reputation for unpredictable wind gusts, all tents, gazebos, umbrellas and anything which may be blown around endangering others, must be tied down with suitable ropes and pegs or weights as soon as erected.
About Willunga Quarry Market
The Market offers a leisurely, stress free shopping and a social experience.
Permanent Stall holders: Provide a monthly opportunity for customers to stock up on supplies.
Seasonal Stall holders: Provide seasonal plants and produce.
Casual Stall holders: Provide something different and keep the market interesting. They add a little spice!
Commonly sold items at the Market:
Produce: (fresh and home made) in season fruit and vegetables, local honey, almonds, olive oil, biscuits, cakes, tarts, jams, dried fruits, sauces and chutneys, vegetarian foods.
Food: French food. Terrines, pates croutes, sausages, rillettes, meat cuts, plusdesserts, croisants & baguettes: Sicilian food, plus bakery sausage rolls & great coffee too
Plants: Such as annuals, bulbs, herbs, natives and orchids. Indoor plants & ferns, succulents. Perennials, proteas, salvias, seedlings, tuberous begonias, Gawler strain sweat pea seeds and more.
Crafts: Beads, jewellery, hand knitted products, cushions, children’s clothing, copper art, functional wooden products, handmade cards, hand made soaps, mosaics, international craft.
Miscellaneous: Collectables, gifts, musical instruments, haberdashery, novelties for children, handmade paper products, a dash of second hand (including books) and a smidgen of commercial goods.
Activities you can engage in:
Shopping, tastings, entertainment
Customer Facilities:
First Aid equipment, Public Toilet, shaded tables and chairs for relaxing or enjoying refreshments and entertainment.
Willunga Quarry Market History:
Started in 1986 the Willunga Quarry Market was established by local community residents to provide an outlet for small scale craft, horticultural focused businesses within the region and enhance the tourism draw of Willunga’s township and the Fleurieu Peninsula.
The Willunga Quarry Market is hosted by the Willunga Recreation Park is a community owned and managed organisation, the monthly funds raised will be funneled back into this community owned facility. These funds will help with upgrades; a refit of the kitchen, painting the 130 year old Show Hall are on the list for this year, and there is always regular ongoing maintenance.
More Information: https://willungarecpark.com.au/

Fundraising For your Future
Community owned and Community Managed Willunga Recreation Park
our events
Willunga Almond Blossom Festival
Chilli Fest Willunga
Jigsaw Willunga
Willunga Quarry Market
connect with us
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Kaurna people, the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we gather on